Tuesday 05.30.17
WOD Make Up Day
Today is your chance to make up a missed WOD…
Make up your own WOD…
Or pick a favorite WOD from the past!
Post to comments the WOD you did and your time. If you are making up a WOD, go back to that post and post your time on it so you can compare to it the next time we do it.
Friend shared this HIIT WOD w/ me- it’s a good one! Video on YouTube- Train Insane
50 sec on 10 sec off
Plank jack
Gecko plank (alt arm out)
Split lunge jump
Push up w/ alt side plank
Plank w/ hip twists
KTE floor jumps (hold plank & jump as you bring KTE)
Repeat 4 times!! (I took a 2-3 min rest between rounds) Whew! Dripping.
Made up 5.17.17