Wednesday 05.17.17

21-15-9 reps for time of:
Dumbbell snatches, 20-25 lbs
Bench dips

Post time to comments.


  1. 4:35
    Single arm snatch 20#
    Did 21-15-9 for each arm
    Straight leg dips

  2. 4:31
    10 lb. snatch each arm

  3. Ronna James says:

    Ran 4 miles

    25# db snatches

  4. 7:02, 13 lb one arm kb snatches, both arms for all reps, knees bent chair dips

  5. Nissa Van Riper says:

    3:30, 20#.
    Have been doing 5/week WODs last 3 months.
    Next time heavier.

  6. 8:04 10# snatch each arm

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