Tuesday 03.14.17

4 rounds for time of:
15 bench dips
30 butterfly sit-ups
Run 400 meters

Post time to comments.


  1. 23:20
    25 bfsu each round….those are tough 🙂

  2. Added this WOD to a short one last week
    Straight legs
    20 burpees for run
    Vampire sit ups w/ 20# overhead on 1/2 each round

    Did 4 rounds
    12 hammer curls to squat
    20 box (step ups 18″)
    10 shoulder taps/feet tap (hold plank and tap opposite arm them opposite leg)
    10 shoulder raise to lateral raise
    12 burpee pops (tough!)


  3. Rebecca Stevens says:

    Treadmill runs at 8.5

  4. Ronna James says:

    Did this at the track

    Then did:
    2x400m(1:38, 1:35)

    Mile cool down

    5 mins. of stadium runs

  5. 15:36
    Straight leg dips
    BFSU arms crossed
    Treadmill at 8.3

    1. Then 4 RFT
      9 deadlift, 65#
      12 full snatch, single arm alt, 25#
      3 front squat, 65#


  6. 15:49
    Straight leg dips
    10 lb weight ball with sit-ups

    1. Hiit Mamas says:

      I just had to approve my own comment. ?

  7. Megan Mouser says:

    16:45 was my first one I’ve done hiit mamas before and now I am back to it.

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