
Monday 11.21.16


3 rounds for time of:
Run 900 meters
50 Body surfers
30 push-ups
50 Butterfly sit-ups

Post time to comments.

Happy Birthday to ME!!


I turned 38 yesterday and feel so lucky and so blessed to be where I am in my life. I am fulfilling every dream that I have ever had for myself and when it came to blow out the candles on my cake, I had nothing to wish for. Thank you to all of you who have encouraged me, motivated me, and shared your stories with me in gratitude. You have kept Hiit Mamas going strong and this hobby that I have had for the last 5 years is quickly becoming my career. I am blessed to have found my calling and something that fulfills the needs I have as an active woman and fitness junkie while staying home with my 4 growing, busy kids. It has been an awesome journey and I am so excited for the future. Thank you to all my loyal Hiit Mamas!



  1. Happy Birthday!!! Thank you for all you do for keeping this blog going!

    33:43, outside runs
    Disappointed with my time, but for the last 3 months haven't been working out consistently. It wasn't until this last weekend that I was looking at pics of myself and realized how much weight I've gained. Doing these workouts on a daily basis had me in the best shape I've been in and feeling great! Today I'm recommitting myself to myself and getting back to where I was!

  2. Happy birthday Jenni!I've been following you for four years and have loved your site. This is the longest I've stuck with an exercise program and the most fit I've been. Thanks so much for all you do!

  3. 28:19. Tougher than it looks!
    Treadmill (8.2, 8.2, 7.8) = 0.56 mile per run
    GPU, all unbroken (whoot whoot!)

    Happy birthday, Jenni! I have done almost every WOD for the past 3 years. Love it!! Thanks for keeping it going!

  4. Happy Birthday Jenni! Thank you for your dedication to this blog and inspiring us and helping us feel motivated. Been following for nearly 4 years and I LOVE that this blog is a part of my day. Hope this year even more dreams unfold for you!

    1. 29:20
      10 pu on bar, 10 diamond, 10 reg (all boy)
      Inclined sit ups w/ 8# db (16# total)

  5. Thank you for all of your kind words!! And you are all so WELCOME!!!

    first 10 pu of each round military style, last 20 on my knees

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