
Thursday 11.03.16

3 rounds SLOWLY of:
5 pull-ups, assist as needed
5 strict knees-to-elbows
10 toes-to-bars, raise legs as high as possible
10 hip raises
20 back extensions (supermans or body surfers)
20 leg lifts

Post time to comments.


  1. 17:42
    5 Toes to Bar
    5 KTE
    10 leg lifts (on back)
    10 leg lifts (on knees- like dog lifting leg- 10 each leg)
    20- supermans
    20 hip raises – 20#

    Followed w/ 2 rounds-
    30 sec jumping jacks
    30 sec push ups
    30 sec jacks
    30 sec dips
    30 sec jacks
    30 sec ft raise
    30 sec jack
    30 sec dive bombers
    30 sec jack
    30 sec bicep curls

    10 min total- left me dripping!

    1. The only problem with posting a different WOD and time is that when we do this one again, this post will be linked and not the one you left your time on.

    2. Good call. Thanks.

      3 rounds of
      5 toes to bar, straight legs, on floor
      5 knees to elbows, on floor
      10 donkey kicks, left leg
      10 donkey kicks, right leg
      20 body surfers
      20 hip raises w/ 8#

      Went incredibly slow and took about 30 minutes. Really concentrated on form and squeezing muscles!

  2. 15:11
    Band assisted pull-ups
    Knees to boobs (as far as they will go with a fused spine)
    Legs to 90 degrees for TTB

  3. 12:43
    Jump pull-ups
    Jump knee to elbow
    Jump toes to bar

    Added 10 extra toes to bar by accident
    My stomach feels like jello and my core is so weak. I needed this.

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