Monday 05.09.16

Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
10 strict knees-to-elbows
20 one-legged squats, alternating
30 second handstand hold or 30 handstand push-upsĀ 

Post rounds completed to comments.


  1. 6 rounds
    KTE on bar- made knees touch!
    OLS- modified by squatting down to 18" box
    30 HSPU- knees on 21" barstool (those got tough!)

  2. Somewhere around 7 hot messes of rounds
    At 9min mark switched to modified ground knee to elbows
    One set of one legged, the rest were regular squats
    Attempted hand stand each time and got more confident but rounded off with a head stand and a few push ups

  3. Ran 3 miles

    5 rounds
    KTE on bar looked more like knee to chest
    Pike push ups

  4. 7 rounds + 10 leg swings + 1 'pistol'
    Did straight leg swings to parallel on forearms on dip station (is there a name for that?!) for K2E
    'Pistols' down to 14" box
    Handstand hold

    Good one! I'm dripping.

  5. 5 rounds plus KTE
    KTE where straight leg to 90 degrees because my back doesn't curl.
    Pistols with band assist
    Handstand hold

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