Monday 10.19.15

For time:
10 box jumps, 18-inch box
10 pull-ups (assist as needed)
20 kettlebell swings, 20-25 lbs
20 one-legged squats, alternating
30 knees-to-elbows
30 front squats, 40 lbs
40 butterfly sit-ups
40 medicine ball cleans, 20-lb ball
50 burpees
50 double-unders (sub: 200 SJR)
Post time to comments.



  1. 18:18
    Step ups – 18"
    8 pull ups unassisted 2- jumping
    20# KB
    KTE- bar
    40# squats
    20 inclined sit ups 20 reverse crunches
    20 med ball clean 20 ball slams – 12#
    25 DU (one at a time) 100 singles

  2. 18:18
    Step ups
    Alternated cleans and burpees, 10 at a time.

  3. 3.1 mile run

    jumping pull-ups
    26# kb
    30# front squats
    12# medicine ball for cleans

  4. 22:05
    Green band pu
    Split burpees and med ball cleans into 4 sets
    1/2 sjr

  5. First post-baby workout, so it was modified!!
    Box jumps on stairs, push ups instead of pull ups, K2E on floor, crunches instead of butterfly sit-ups, 10 burpees, 200 single unders….and I am dead!!


  6. 21:03
    Assisted Pull Ups
    20lb Kettlebell
    8 KTE on bar, the rest on the floor
    20lb FS
    Cleans with a barbell instead of ball
    I've gotta figure how to do double-unders without hurting myself.

  7. 17:00
    Reverse pull ups
    25# KB
    OLS down to weight bench
    K2E on floor
    30# front squats and cleans

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