
Friday 07.25.14


3 rounds for time:
Run 400 meters
21 Kettlebell swings, 20 lbs
12 Pull-ups (assist as needed)

Compare to 11.14.13

Post time to comments.


  1. 13:04
    12# for swings (all I have at home)
    Subbed bent over rows for pull ups and used 12# dumbbells for a total of 24#

    Total Body Challenge earlier this morning at the gym
    Gym challenge move of the day: 50 reverse flys/50 regular flys. Move from yesterday: 50 fire hydrants each leg

    Ran 2.5 miles

  2. 14:51
    assisted pull-ups

    My forearms are spent from the jump ropes yesterday. Ready for a weekend break!

  3. Northglenn Mamas:
    Jina: 8:04
    Jen: 8:54
    Aidan: 12:00
    Leslie: 12:05
    Holly: 13:21

  4. 12:39 15# swings
    vs. 14:04, 14:42, 15:43
    Super happy with my progress over the last year and a half!!

  5. 10:07 treadmill, 15# KB, chair asst chest-2-bar pull ups

    vs 11:30 (everything the same) on March 12th!!

  6. Quarter mile warm up

    13:11 last time was 9:53 BUT
    This time i did 35 lbs KBS for 2.5 rounds 25lbs for half a round. Last time was 17.5 lbs

    This time unassisted kipping pull ups for 2.5 rounds. Band assisted on the rest.

    And the last 100 meters in each run was up hill.

    Then I ran 3 miles.
    I'm happy with my progress. 🙂

  7. Shoot. I forgot to start the clock on first round.
    8:14 for two rounds
    25# kb
    Green band assist

  8. 10:34 jumping pullups
    16 lb dumbbells for kb
    8.5 on tm

  9. Pat and Maria 11:20
    #35 pat #25 maria & 1/2 unassisted pull ups and 1/2 with help from hubby

  10. 16:20
    Assisted pull ups
    Fluidity core after


    A lot slower today, could be accuracy of 400m distance.

  11. 12:09
    Kept clock going while moving between treadmill and pull-up rack
    55# assist
    20 seconds faster than last time an two minutes faster than the first time I did this!!! Yeah baby!!!

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