Friday 07.18.14


5 rounds for time of:
7 Dumbbell squat clean thrusters, 20 lbs
20 Butterfly sit-ups

Compare to 12.02.13

Hiit Mama Donna
90 Day Challenge IV
“I am a 36 year old mom of two girls (15&6) and two boys (4&1)
and have a husband who coaches varsity basketball and teaches high
school students, so life at our house is crazy! We live in Eureka, MO
and I work from home and needed a quick fix to this body after 4
kids! My sister Denise introduced me to this website and I am so
thankful that she did!  I have never gotten into shape this fast and
have felt so good before! I played college basketball and I feel
stronger now then I did back then!  I have lost 8 pounds since the
challenge started…wish I would have checked my inches but I plan on
doing it this challenge! Thank you JENNI for all your encouragement and
all the workouts you post everyday! Looking forward to the next 90


  1. 7:22

    Total Body Challenge at the gym this morning
    Gym Challenge move for the day: 50 reverse fly/50 chest fly

    5k tomorrow!

    Have a great weekend mamas!

  2. 7:03-
    20# ( I think when I've done this WOD before I did regular thrusters)
    Butterfly crunches with arms crossed

  3. 9:16
    45 lb hang squat cleans (I didn't read the word thrusters!)

    Subbed 1/2 GHD sit-ups for butterfly sit-ups

  4. 7:08
    Recovering from foot surgery and still faster than last time! Woop!!!
    20# (used 30 last time, but oh well! Just trying to stay active!!)

  5. Hiit mamas northglenn
    Shawntae 5:16
    Holly 7:55
    Jen 6:04
    Jina 5:03 (20 pp for squats)
    Aiden 7:05
    Jessica 7:45
    Karissa 9
    Leslie 10
    Melissa 9:20

  6. 9:31 had to go really slow on BSU. My tailbone is raw from yesterday's 90 bsu. (vs. 9:30)

  7. Walked 4 miles

    Had to take it easy this morning. Bad morning sickness last night.

  8. Untimed. Toddler fell off bed at nap time between 4th and 5th set with the timer running.

  9. 9:01
    45# bar
    Husband decided to try this. He used 25# dumbells. Struggled on the sit-ups!

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