Tuesday 06.17.14

Ghost Busters

6 rounds of:
1 minute of running
1 minute of burpees
1 minute of double-unders or single jump rope
1 minute rest

Try for as many reps as possible of EACH exercise, not just total
score. Post separate totals of meters ran, burpee reps and
double-under reps completed to comments.


  1. Rounds: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Total

    Run: .13 .15 .13 .13 .13 .14 .81

    Burpees: 17 18 18 16 18 16 103

    Single JR: 120 124 124 130 124 120 742

  2. Not sure on the run. I just ran 30 sec out and 30 sec back. Pedometer app says 1.23km
    101 burpees
    665 sjr

  3. Not sure on run-went full minute on elliptical- but batteries died and cleared my distance.
    71 burpees- modified by walking legs back, pu, walking in
    Subbed 205 squats for jr. I can't do any exercise with jumps

  4. Ran 4 miles

    I rowed for calories instead of running

    Row: 92
    Burpees: 92
    SJR: 824

    Dripping Sweat–Love it!

  5. Ran 3 miles before doing WOD

    Run: around house for 1 min
    Burpees: 89
    SJR: 601

  6. Also – I will be singing the 'ghostbusters' theme song in my head all day now. 🙂

  7. I had a house full of little ones today so I subbed jumping jacks for running. Totals are 397 jumping jacks, 61 burpees, 503 sjr. I was tripping over the rope on several of the rounds. Frustrating!

  8. .765 mi running
    79 step out burpees – burpees kill my knees when I jump. Anyone have an idea why? Am I doing something wrong? I can squat, run, jump rope, etc no problem, but the burpees hurt.
    301 jump rope
    Finished up the mile running at the end

  9. Not 100% on the run bit 1 lap equals 268 meters
    1: R 3/4 lap= 201 meters? B 10 J 110
    2: R 201 meters B 10 J 100
    3: R 201 meters B 10 J 110
    4: R 201 meters B 10 J 116
    5 R 134 meters B 10 J 113
    6: R 201 meters B 10 J 110

    Total Ran 1139 meters Burpees: 60 SJR: 659

  10. Subbed run for jumping jacks and did singles with jump rope
    1: 64 JJ, 8 B, 110 JR
    2: 66 JJ, 9 B, 120 JR
    3: 68 JJ, 9 B, 130 JR
    4: 73 JJ, 10 B, 130 JR
    5: 73 JJ, 10 B, 130 JR
    6: 76 JJ, 10 B, 127 JR

  11. No distance on running, just out and back. Burpees 12, 10, 10, 11, 10, 10. Single jr 105, 106, 103, 99 ,102, 111.

  12. Row in place of run
    Most sjr: 90
    Burpees (mod): 10 per rd.
    Walked up and down stairs on 1 min break.
    5 3/4 months pregnant

  13. No distance for runs. Just outside out and back
    Burpees: 18, 18, 18, 18, 20 , 20
    JR: 107, 101, 96, 117, 114, 111

  14. no distance for run, did 30 sec out and back
    80 total burpees
    637 total sjr

  15. 1. .12. 10 110
    2. .12. 10. 102
    3. .124. 10. 113
    4. .124. 10. 102
    5. .128. 9. 101
    6. .121. 10. 150

    Maggie g

    1. .97. 10. ?
    2. .111. 8. 107
    3. .101. 10. 112
    4. .108. 9. 114
    5. .92. 9. 107
    6. .143. 6. 78

  16. Ran 8 m sprints in basement: 122 laps or 976 meters
    76 burpees with push up, wide legs
    302 double unders

  17. Completed 3 rounds on 6/17 no breaks completed 3 rounds on 6/19 no breaks. .75 run
    78 burpees
    666 single jump ropes
    Group power after on both days.

  18. Pat: run: 200,225,225,225,225,210
    burpees: 20,18,18,19,16,18
    JR: 107,131,131,140,130,100

    Maria run:225,225,225,225,210,210

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