Friday 05.09.14

For time:
50 Box jump overs, 18 inch
50 Deadlifts, 60 lbs.
50 Wall-ball shots, 10-lb. ball
50 Bench dips
50 Wall-ball shots, 10-lb. ball
50 Deadlifts, 60 lbs.
50 Box jump overs, 18 inch

Post time to comments.


  1. 18:18
    12" box jumps…not overs (thighs too sore to jump 15" today)
    10# ball
    65# DL
    What a great week!

  2. 17:28. Subbed pull ups for last set of box jumps.

  3. 16:48
    18 in box jumps
    30# dead lifts (more weight still hard on back)
    15# kettle bell swings for wall ball. No wall ball.

  4. 19:19
    40 lb dead lifts
    Step ups
    Did this workout outside. It's so muggy I felt like I was swimming through the whole thing!

  5. 15:31.
    Subbed 15" jump up onto Bosu ball for jump overs.
    DL 40#

    5 min warm up on bike and 10 min bike LVL 2 after.

    Happy Fruday Ladies!

  6. 15:43
    12" box
    54' dl
    10lb wb
    2 min plank hold
    100 bfsu

  7. 18:40

    14" jump overs
    60# DL
    20# thrusters for wall ball

    Hard to catch my breath on that one! Happy Friday!

  8. 18" box overs
    52# dl
    20# thrusters in place of wall balls

  9. 24:26. 12" jump overs, 20# thrusters in place of wall balls, 40# DL, bent knee

  10. 18:49
    All as rx'd except for I did 65# on the deadlift.

  11. 22:51 12" box overs. First time with these, I was scared of the 18 inbox. 115# dead lifts. 14 # wall balls. Dips on box. Then ab routine.

  12. Half mile run warm up.


    14" box jump overs – all I had and by the last round SO GLAD I don't have an 18" box!

    65lb DL

    10lb Wall ball

    Jogged 1.5 miles to cool down…
    WOW! Good WOD!

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