Wednesday 04.09.14

21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
Thrusters, 20-30 lbs

Post time to comments.



  1. 13:50
    20 lbs

    I did this workout before today with bar-facing burpees and completed in 17:00

  2. 14:49, 35#
    Lots of sucking wind!
    Listened to our burpee play list…awesome!!

  3. 12:26 20# thrusters – burpees with jump
    Felt really sluggish on first three rounds of burpees

  4. 18:09
    Holy heck I'm outta shape!! Back to it after a month off… KILLER!! 😀

  5. 11.01
    No pu burpees ??
    First time back in a looooong time
    4.5 mile run before the WOD

  6. 11.01
    No pu burpees ??
    First time back in a looooong time
    4.5 mile run before the WOD

  7. 13:03
    40# thrusters, after all those push presses yesterday….CRAP!

    I was hoping under 10, who was I kidding?!

  8. 13:26, 20# thrusters

    Kari – I was also totally kidding myself. Hoping for closer to 10 but didn't happen.

  9. 40# thrusters
    16:30-whoa-don't know if it was doing WOD outside in sun for first time this year or minimal sleep with an ill toddler, but I was drrraaaggging!

  10. 15:42
    20# thrusters
    Chest to floor Burpees

    Happy hump day, mamas!

  11. 18:39blah! I did it though…thrusters w/kb I think (ihope) thats why I took so long. C2floor burpees (had to see demo on that) wasnt feeling I was doing them right

  12. 15:20.
    Killer Workout!

    21-18-15-12. Used 24# thrusters and hand release jump burpees

    9-6-3 used 24# thrusters and no push up jump burpees

    Warmup 10 min wake on treadmill

    After did 10 incline walk on treadmill

  13. 11:33
    30# thrusters. I'm breathless!
    I heard about 14.5 from friends who did the open. Knew it was only a matter of time before we did it!

  14. 7:40, 15# one armed thrusters til 12 on then 10#, no pu on burpees, (shoulder tendinitis)

  15. 17.38.

    This is my first time doing much with my arms in 3 weeks due to tennis elbow. My time really kinda sucked haha. Always room for improvement 🙂

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