Monday 01.06.14

For time:
50 Front squats, 60 lbs
50 Butterfly sit-ups
50 Front squats, 50 lbs
50 Back extensions (supermans)
50 Front squats, 40 lbs
50 Butterfly sit-ups
Post time to comments.


  1. 20:20 whew.

    Then I did the James Family 30 Burpee post workout challenge 🙂 HAPPY MONDAY!

  2. 14:05
    #30 for all squats…..its the heaviest i had and i wasnt creative enough this monday am to think of alternatives for my weights…any good ideas for #60, #50 or #40?? (I envy all if you who could do #60 or even #50 squats)

    1. Before I got my weight set, I used a 20lb bag of rice on each shoulder. 🙂

  3. Glad to be back! Woohoo! 16:57

    I have energy now! Yay because I have to shovel snow and ice from last nights snow storm. Eeep!

  4. 16:49
    Round 1 front squats 40lbs -15, 30lbs – 35
    Round 2 front squats 30lbs – 20, 25lbs – 30
    Round 3 front squats 30lbs – 50

  5. 13:55
    Only 20lb for weights. All I have right now.
    Rest as Rx'd, arms crossed for bsu.

  6. 18:46

    Whew! Did everything as rx'd, I'm outta shape but glad to start the New Year off right 🙂 Also did a 10min mile run.

  7. 18:16
    Weights 60, 55, 40
    I'm blaming my exhaustion on the 11 inches of snow I shoveled yesterday. 😉
    Happy snow day!

  8. 17:54

    Started out with 30# for squats but went to no weight. (After hiking the Grand Canyon my legs and knees need a bit of a break).

    All the rest the same

  9. 15:38
    25- 50# squats/ 25- 40# squats per round
    Arms crossed on bsu

    Decided to take the challenge & add 30 burpees at the end

    Total time: 18:06

  10. Did Fridays workout be caused i missed it and it looked like fun. 15:50 with a bonus of 400 m run at end. Treadmill thanks to 3m of snow and no plows yet.

    Girls, I was given an memory foam mat for Christmas and boy howdy! Was this thing fabulous as an ab mat. All 100 sit-ups in a row. No bruising or raw skin.

  11. 19:16

    Does anyone know if butterfly sit ups are ok to do if I have diastasis recti. I'm bracing my abs. Crunches I know are bad.

    1. You should not be doing any type of sit-ups with abdominal diastasis. There is a section under FAQ on the full site that will talk about what an exercises you can substitute until it heals. There is also a page on our Facebook page dealing with diastasis.

  12. Hey ladies I am new to this. WOD in 15:54. A little tough for me but I got it done (with a little lighter weights). I also added 30 minutes of cardio. Excited to be here. Thank you for this site!

  13. 9:40 only have 40# weights so used that all 3x's.
    Good way to start the week and new year.

  14. Hi! I am new here and I am really interested in joining the 90 day challenge. If someone can tell me what is a Vi-Shake?

    1. Check out our Facebook page for a video explaining the shakes and other info. They are protein shakes that also contain 30% of your daily vitamins, fiber to keep you full longer, less than 1 gram of sugar, and only 90 calories. Here is the link to check them out:
      My Mamas have had amazing results using the shakes with these workouts.

  15. 9:41 10# squats. Injured myself pretty bad a month ago where I could barely stand up straight. So easing myself back in. Glad to be back!

  16. 17:30
    60#, 40#, 40#
    Whew! Took my pic and measurements this morning! Excited to be starting this 90 day adventure.

    1. Just realized I didn't do the last set of sit ups. Whoops!!!

  17. 19:19
    65/55/45# on squats
    That last 50 was awful! the heaviest I've done in front squats in a while. I need to eat better. I think it's the reason I'm slowing down.

  18. 11:32 as rx'd
    Left knee bothering me with squats lately. Doesn't seem like I'm getting complete ROM. Made a commitment to myself this morning to get my 2-3 long runs in each week, no matter what. Woke up to a 9 degree windchill. Ugh! This will be fun.

    1. Turn your feet out a little, make site your knees go out towards your feet on the way down and stay on your heals. Wide stance.

  19. 13:45
    50 squats 50#
    2 min plank
    50 squats 35#
    50 back ext
    1 min plank

  20. 20:04
    Couldn't go deep and fast enough with 50 lbs.

    1 38.6 lbs
    2 28.6 lbs
    3 20 lbs
    My legs were jello! No cardio for me today.

  21. 15:24.6
    No weight on squats
    First day back after almost 4 months off. Eeeks!

  22. I'm headed to the gym right now, but I was wondering. Is it better to use the rx'd weight with not so good form or lighter weight with good form?

    1. Form always comes first. Lighter weights until you can handle more without sacrificing form. Good form is how you prevent injuries.

  23. 27:15
    All prescribed weight. Squats to below parallel. Used medicine ball as a reference. That was really tough. Glad to be done with it.

  24. 13:22
    Had bar for squats so weight as rx'd except last was 45 lbs (weight of the bar)

  25. 17:26
    Tough stuff with a chest cold! Still trying to kick it! Muscles are fatigued after a 2 week break!

  26. Adria- I would use lighter weight and build good form. Bad form is a higher risk for injuries.

  27. 10 minutes TT, then:

    50#, 40#, 40#

    50# is the max weight I have, but boy was that difficult!

  28. 17:25
    left my dumbbells at my sisters. Only had 10 lb

    ran in place 5 minutes (1000 meters)

  29. Blah!
    Ran a mile to warm up. Then:


    1st 50 lb barbell
    2nd 40 lb barbell
    3rd 35 lb barbell

    Ran a 8 min mile then a quarter mile cool down. Also did 15 burpees because I HATE them and need to get better. SOO tired…

  30. Katie: 19:58 wow! I had to take many breaks! Used 60# 40# then 20# I was surprised at how hard the supermans were.

    Lori: 16:32 used 40#, 20#, 15# for squats

  31. Ran 4.5 miles

    20 # all squats
    obviously my legs and back need to get stronger

  32. 11:11
    15lbs. on squats

    What is the 30 Burpee challenge?

  33. Ended up doing this at home so 30# for all squats since that's all I have here. Don't know if I could have handled more anyway 🙂

  34. 15:18 as rxd. 60# was tough! I had to stop a lot right off the bat just to complete the 50, but i didn't want to do less weight. I'm going to be feeling it in my thighs tomorow!

  35. I realized tonight that I was supposed to do back extensions on one round. I did bfsu on all rounds. I NEED AN ABMAT! My tush is sore.

  36. The past few weeks have NOT been good as far as diet and exercise! I need to get back on track but was definitely rusty and felt totally out of shape! Feeling very frustrated

    30 minutes elliptical then
    12:26 used 40lb weight each round but couldn't do all 50 so
    Round 1: 25 with weight, 25 w/o
    round 2: 20 with weight, 30 w/o
    round 3: 15 with weight, 35 w/o

    So disappointed!

  37. 16:45 60lb, 50lb , 40lb used bench press bench as guide for my squats. Might not be going down low enough
    2 mile run

  38. 19:26
    squats: 30, 25, 20
    pounding headache, thinking from sugar detox after all the holiday indulgence.

    Trying modified paleo diet for next 30 (maybe longer) days – still having my vi shake in the mornings, and allowing myself some legumes and brown rice on occasion. Hoping a drastic diet change will make all the difference with getting rid of my layer of fat over all my new and growing muscles.

    1. I am doing the same thing. I am allowing myself some dairy and rice and beans. I have completely cut out sugar but am still doing the shakes (less than 1 gram) and after one week I can already see a difference. Aiming for 30 days but I can already tell this will be a lifelong lifestyle change. I have allowed myself a cheat day (Sunday) so I can still indulge in BBQ sauce on my ribs and 2 chocolate chip cookies once a week!! It really helps to have that cheat day!

  39. 23:17
    As RXed.
    Butt to floor
    Also did my sit-ups on my memory foam pillow. It felt good. Maybe now my permanent red badge of courage will go away.

  40. 20:41 this WOD was tough for me I pushed through and finished.

    FS were 40#, 30# 20#

    love to see how many mamas posted their times!

  41. Completed on 1/7 after 1/7 wod. 12:38 as Rxd. Squats were shallow to start. Then body pump.

  42. 18:49
    Low squats first half, Parallel other half.
    Took a lot of willpower.

  43. Hi Jenni! This is Erica (Hutchins) Smith. I went to high school in Antioch with you…a couple grades behind I think. Anyway, I found your blog through facebook and love this! I've just started working out again after having baby #4 a year ago and I'm super rusty. This program sounds great and I'm looking forward to trying my best to keep up. I did this workout last night and it took me 23 minutes with lighter weights! I'm hoping as I go along, I'll get stronger and faster. Thanks for doing this…so fun to find you on here!


  44. Approx 14 min. (Forgot to check timer, but was at 12 min prior to final pelvic tilts.)
    20 wk preggo mods:
    20lbs for all squats
    Subbed pelvic tilts for bsu
    Supermans on hands and knees

  45. 14:34…did after today's workout because of my crazy night shift schedule!! Whew!

  46. 13:48
    60 lb for first 10….then dropped to 50 for the next 40
    45 lb for next 50
    40 lb for last 50

    Good one!!

  47. 14:26 used 40#, 20# and 16# for the squats. Also varied the type of squat with each one. I don't have higher than 40# weights. Thanks Jenni! Back in the saddle after a long break!!

  48. Substituted this WOD for 1/9 as it is -11F outside. Starting with 2 HIIT workouts a week and will hopefully work my way up to the 5.

    15:53 – 0# for squats. Planks instead of butterfly sit-ups.

  49. Started this 90 days today.

    14.55 – Used 40lbs weight for all squats and changed supermans to flutter kicks.

    Also added more arm weight workout and mile on elliptical.

  50. 22:19
    50 squats 30lbs
    50 squats 24 lbs
    50 plank knee tucks
    50 squats 20lbs
    50 kte

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