
Friday 11.29.13

“Black Friday”

3 rounds for reps of:
10 lb Dumbbell squat cleans, 1 minute
20′ Shuttle sprints (20′ sprint forward + 20′ sprint back = 1 rep), 1 minute
60lb Deadlifts, 1 minute
Burpees, 1 minute
Butterfly sit-ups, 1 minute
Rest 1 minute

Compare to 11.23.12

Post total reps to comments.


  1. SC 43
    Sprint 27
    DL 81
    Burpees 42
    BFSU 74

    Thank you! This was a fun one!!!

  2. SC(30#) 41
    Sprint 23
    DL(75#) 38
    Burpees 40
    BFSU 65
    Ugh, feeling very sluggish this morning.

  3. Squat clean 20 lb- 44
    Shuttle 18
    Dead lift 44
    Burpees 38
    Sit-ups 76
    I ran up and down the stairs for one shuttle

  4. Forgot to count but I did it! I know I did 14 burpees the last 2 rounds and 25 sit-ups.

  5. SC-43
    Sprint-30 (not sure if it was quite 20' but close)
    DL 20#-87
    Burpee w/ pu-40
    Bsu-79- I enjoyed my new abmat!!

    Did this workout with my almost 11 year old (she asked what the wod was today and wanted to do it)
    5# front squats- 88
    sprints-28 (Includes a hurdle of jumping over the dog who wouldn't move!)
    burpee-36 (She hit the deck! Full body on floor)
    sit up-72

    A lot of fun today!! Thanks!

  6. Had two days off (traveling and at inlaws) good to be back today – loved it, but definitely room to improve!

    SC 40
    Sprint 31
    Dead lift 40 lb sandbag 62
    Burpee 34
    BFSU 56

  7. 18:19 but completely forgot to count. Oh well. Happy Friday but after yesterday, think I'm gonna roll through the weekend!

  8. SC 30# – 51
    SS – 28
    DL – 92
    Burpee – 42
    BSFU – 71
    Total – 284

  9. Sc- 85 with 20lb
    Sprint – 29
    Dead lifts- 80
    Sit-ups on ball with full ext -95

  10. My BIL got married on Friday so just now getting to this one.

    SC = 68
    shuttle = 26
    DL = 64
    Burpee = 34
    BFSU = 52

    Total of 244

  11. Sc-38
    Dl-63 (65#)
    Bsu-48 (arms crossed)


  12. Pat 53dbsq #25, 32ss, 76DL#95, 48burpees, 93su

    Maria – 47dbsq#15, 30ss, 73dl #45, 47 burpess, 100su

  13. Squat cleans: 46
    Shuttle sprints: 25
    Dead lifts: 79
    Burpees: 62
    Butterfly sit ups: 83
    Completed on 12/6 then 11/25 wod

  14. 238 total
    42 Squat clean 25#
    21 Shuttle
    79 Deadlifts 65#
    30 Burpees
    66 Sit-ups

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