
Thursday 11.14.13


3 rounds for time:
Run 400 meters
21 Kettlebell swings, 20 lbs
12 Pull-ups (assist as needed)

Compare to 08.09.13

Post time to comments.


  1. 12:50 as RX'd
    used jump up and lower slowly down this time on pullups. I've heard that develops real pullups better than band-assisted but I don't know

  2. Did yesterday's workout first.

    20:56: ran 800 meters instead of 400, assisted pull ups.

  3. 11:04
    Subbed burpees for run ( would have rather run- but 28 degrees is too cold for me!)
    Jumping pull ups- got 2 in on my own
    I liked that workout!

  4. 9:32
    High knees for 2 min ea round in lieu of running outside
    20# kb
    Bpu's in lieu of pull ups

  5. 14:04 vs. 14:42 and 15:43
    Happy with time, but exhausted too!

  6. 11:00 exactly
    Did 6 pull ups each round on own the rest chair assisted

  7. 12:29
    55# assist PU
    Lots of running around between treadmill and pull up rack!

  8. 13:44 compared to 1439 and 14:04
    Subbed 8 up and down stairs for the runs. Too cold.

  9. Hiit mamas northglenn
    Shawntae 30# 13:14
    Holly jump 12:44
    Karissa 14:33
    Lauren 15:29

  10. 11:43 (Chair assisted pull-ups)

    Continued and did 5 rounds due to modified pull-ups and finished at 19:45.

  11. 11:20
    kettlebell 15#
    bpu instead of pull up (working on getting a bar)
    60 second plank after

  12. 14:02. 15 lb kettle and jump up slow down. Compare to 14:45 in may.

  13. 1st 3 rounds: 9:16
    2nd 3 rounds: 8:37
    200 jump ropes for each 400m run. 35lb kb swings, and jumping pull-ups.

  14. Seeing the physical changes is an addiction! I want more!

  15. 15:26
    Ellip for run
    25# kettlebell
    PU – Chair asst. + 5 sec. hold at end

    3M run
    45# bench press x10

  16. 10:37
    Treadmill 7 mph, 7, 7.8
    Lat pull downs, I need a bar, could not get enough tension

  17. 11:40

    Sub push ups for pull ups. i guess a good problem to have is your pants keep falling down while running!! About time for new work out pants!

  18. 12:43
    Outside run, KB as rx'd, band assist pull ups. First time doing that many pull ups with band assist. Love seeing improvements!

  19. 10:33. Did 2 minutes of cardio in the house for the runs, which is probably why I was almost a full 2 minutes faster than last time. Assisted pull ups.

  20. 11:37 had to keep resetting treadmill.
    2 rounds of push-ups instead of pull-ups since the machine was being used. Last round of pull-ups was 70# assisted. 26# Kettlebell

  21. 16:32 18# kb (I swear they are feeling easier…) jumping pull ups; took some time running between treadmill & pull up rack

  22. Ran inside because of kids thought I already found out 16 laps was 400m but I was done by 9.54 so I did a 4th round of 16 laps for total time 10.34
    Assisted pull ups under table

  23. 14:46, band asstd pu. Compared to 14:20. Didn't get any faster, just a tad slower! Must try harder next time

  24. 9:51 pull ups band assisted and some jump ups rest as rx'd

  25. 9:58

    Jumping Pull-Up
    17.5 lb dumbbell for swings. (Forgot to change it before I started.)

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