Friday 11.01.13

21-15-9 reps for time of:
Front squat, 40 lbs
Kettlebell swings, 15 – 20 lbs

Compare to 09.20.13


  1. 3:15
    20# squats this time to go easy on lower back – butt to floor squats
    20# kb
    Followed workout up with some tabatas

  2. 3:46 40#, 20# fs and kb. Should have gone lighter for the squats. Low back is sore

  3. 3:49 30lbs squats (Couldn't squat as far down as I wanted, my tailbone is still locked up.) 15lbs kettle bell swings. All I can do is try and finish the best I can!

  4. 3:06
    20# KB swings, 40# squats. Faster than last time, 3:33. Have a great weekend mamas!

  5. Hiit mamas northglenn
    Shawntae 45# 3:06
    Lauren 40# 5:28
    Robyn 40# 2:43
    Sharadee 45# 4:30

  6. 4:36 25# squats (trying to work on form) 18# kb. After push ups yesterday, I can barely lift my arms!

  7. 3:01
    60lb squats, 10lb kb

    I did 10lbs more on the squats than last time, but only took 5 seconds longer! 🙂

  8. 4:06 compared to 3:26. However, I upped the front squat weight to 55! So I'm good with the increase.

  9. 4:19 as RX'd.

    Went ahead and did a second round for fun and finished at 8:37.

  10. Did yesterday's workout today and will do this one tomorrow. 15:11 for yesterday's as rxd

  11. 2:50.
    Used a 25# kb this time and did Russian kb swings, not American. Last time my time was 3:22 with American and 15 lb kb. I read about them and it says your arms are only supposed to be "chains" to hold the kb and the movement should come from your hips and core.

  12. 4:47
    40 lb FS (didn't get very deep)
    15 lb dumbbell for KB

  13. 4:09
    A whole minute faster than last time!
    30# squats
    20# KBS
    Then ran 4 km

  14. 3:26 50# Fs, 30lb Dumbbell swing. Thanks.
    My sister in law gave me a workout for today.
    Here's your WOD for 11/02:
    21 dead lifts (choose your weight)
    21 push press
    50 squats
    15 dead lifts
    15 push press
    50 squats
    9 dead lifts
    9 push press

  15. 3:58 wit 22.5 kb
    Compared to 4:24 from 9/20. Feeling pretty good about the improvement!!

  16. 4:56 20# front squats for all of 1st round, 1/2 of second round

    Last time was 4:00 but at 15#, yes it took a little longer but I upped the weight this time

  17. 4:15 compared to 4:06
    I think my vacation is still slowing me down! Having a hard time motivating.

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