
Monday 08.19.13


3 rounds for time:
Run 400 meters
21 Kettlebell swings, 20 lbs
12 Pull-ups (assist as needed)

Compare to 05.21.13

Post time to comments.


  1. 12:06 subbed bpu for pull ups. I'm weary about pull ups because I've stained a muscle in my neck doing them 3 times last spring/early summer. Have a great week mamas!

  2. 13:50 as RX'd

    Pull-ups with assistance from band
    Full extension on KB swings

  3. 13:17
    Outside run (to stop sign and back)
    Pull Ups- First one of every round completely on my own!! Followed by jumping pull ups and then last 6 of every round were chair assisted

  4. 10:13 with jogging stroller
    24x bpu instead of pull ups (bar still down)

  5. 13:23 – at the gym so took a little bit to move between exercises

  6. 11:50 (compared to 12:50). Distances are a little rough and maybe I wasn't doing my squats as low? Same with pu's: 6 from standing, 6 reverses

  7. 14:39 compared to 14:04 but I'd like to think my pull ups were less assisted?

  8. 14:42 compared to 15:43
    Swings could have been a little deeper.

  9. 13:58
    .25 on treadmill 55# assist on pu
    Kept timer going while running between treadmill and pull up rack

  10. 13:12 run on treadmill 15lb kettle bell and push ups instead of pull ups.

  11. 11:15
    2:00 jump rope- no treadmill, 25# kettle swings, pull up with band

  12. 11:48
    400m outside run
    21 Russian KB swings, 25#
    12 pullups with band

  13. 12:30, down from 12:57 in May. Hopefully less assisted on the pull ups.

  14. 12:45!

    Beat my old time by 1:10 including running with the jogging stroller!

    I can't thank you enough Jenni for helping me improve so much by posting these workouts and keeping me motivated!

  15. 6:32
    skipped rope for 2min, no treadmill
    kettle bell swings with 10lb dumbbell, push ups for pull ups as don't have pull up bar

  16. 9:54
    Jump pull-ups
    22.5 lb kettle bell swing with a dumbbell

  17. My time is NOT close to everyone else's BUT…I did improve, so…YAY!!

    Today's time: 19:47
    5/22 time: 20:24

  18. 11:20
    Completely read the workout wrong, did KTE instead of pull ups! Oh well! At least I was moving!

  19. 14:10 compared to 14:21. Done after doing 8/20/13 WOD. Same mods but with 200 jumping jacks instead of 400m run each round.

  20. 8:17
    2 rounds only

    200 single JR
    20# swing
    Jumping pull-ups

    21 KIndergarteners are wearing me out

  21. 11:35 used 12kg kettle bell (about 26 pounds) and assisted pull-ups.

    Ran a 10k race Sunday in 54:03!

  22. 11:24 used the gravitron machine for pullups with 120 lbs assistance.

  23. 7:53
    Sub'd Burpees for running (my little one was sleeping), and had to do jumping pull-up's- I still haven't got my pull-up's back yet 🙁

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