Friday 03.01.13

21-15-9 reps for time of:
Dumbbell squat clean, 20 lbs
Butterfly sit-ups

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  1. 8:30-I am back from not working out!!!!! Knees are feeling better. Now to get with it!!!

  2. Wow im impressed with everyone's times!

    8:09 for me. Lost my motivation for a little bit but I'm back.

  3. 4:30, with the help of my 1 year old:). I didnt have time to figure out squat clean so I did regular squats with weights. grateful for a short workout I can do while my kids are underfoot, so thanks!

  4. Question: When using you say 20#, does that mean a 20# dumbbell in each hand? Or, does that mean 20# total?

    4:01 Short and sweet!

  5. 7:05 first round 20 lb squats then 15 lb… Much better form!

  6. Not gonna lie – it was tough to get motivated today. I was up so much in the night being a mama. But I did it and feel better now! 4:25, subbed thrusters for the cleans (gotta work on form)

  7. 8:41 w/ 50# cleans
    Did it again for speed,
    4:14 with 20#
    I am crazy sore from yesterday so this quick one was great!

  8. 4:51 with a bar instead of dumb bells. My knee is still messed up, so once again my squat form was a little funny.

  9. 5:15 with regular situps. Had my 3 year old stand on my feet so it took him some time to get his footing right each round.

  10. 7:46
    Probably could have gone faster, but I don't do squat cleans enough to have good form. I fell on my butt twice, so I decided to go slow and make sure I kept my balance. I still think I got a good workout 🙂

  11. Ahhh completely forgot to keep time until half way through! Finished up with a 7.5 mile run! Half marathon, here I come! 🙂

  12. I think I did it right. I got 3:10. Did 20 lbs total on squats.

  13. 5:26
    I did 8 lb kettlebell squat cleans — don't feel quite ready for the dumbbell squat cleans

  14. 6:02. My cleans are not perfect. I can't time my jump right so I end up just doing a double squat with a bicep curl. I need some practice. 🙂

  15. 4:59

    Ended up doing front squats with 10# weights, though. Need to work on my form for cleans and didn't want to injure myself.

  16. 3:43. 15# kettle bell is all I have- squat clean technique is not quite there either, but I did it! Fast!!

  17. 4:30
    Only have one 35# db today so did front squats with that

    1. Whoops, I meant 3:40…little backwards due to motherhood exhaustion 🙂

  18. 6:37.wasnt quite sure either if it was 20# Each or20#total so i did 20# each db.

  19. 11:02
    Did 12lbs all together. Need to get heavier weights

  20. Great blog 🙂 I'm a crossfiter from Poland starting to discover the world of crossfit, maybe you would like to see my blog ( :)?

  21. Forgot to start my timer….so no time for today. I didn't get a chance to watch the video on squat cleans so subbed with thrusters.

  22. 5:03 after taking 4 days off to recover from strep throat. Happy to be well enough to work out again.

  23. 7:42 – my first WOD! Holy cow… Did 10# in each hand.

  24. 4:15

    Not feeling well and not sure I did as I should for the squat clean.

    20lb squat clean

  25. 4:56, pair 12lb dumbells – did on Wed 3/6

  26. 5:45

    How are you people so dang fast??? I seem to have one speed for weight work where I just go at "the speed" and steadily power out all the reps. Crossfit is teaching me that I really have to keep my focus every second on speed!

    First time with clean squats. Kind of fun, actually.

  27. 6:37 last set did 10 sit ups instead of just 6, quick WOD BUT I am actually sweating!!

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