
Friday 01.11.13

3 rounds of:
100 ft walking lunge (about 30 lunges total)
50 squats
25 back extensions

Compare to 12.14.11


  1. 9:56
    (yes! i can do no soda! don't worry, I know you have something crazy up your sleeve…no sugar or something like that… )

  2. 6:57.

    Lunges and squats holding a very needy 25lb little boy. Definitely feeling my legs today.

  3. 12:20. Just started this week. 21 weeks pregnant with my sixth. 🙂

  4. 7:50 plus a 2.25 mile run. Thanks for a great week! Never thought I would make it 5 days without caffeine, but I have!!!

  5. i actually woke up and thought "oh good, an easy workout today" but boy howdy are my legs shakin!


  6. 7:34. Yep, thought this was going to be easy, but WOW my legs are feeling it from this week! Great workout for a Friday!

  7. I can do no pop! 🙂 I am going to go to a box for the first time in my life today owned by people who go to my church. I want to join peeps twice a week for WODs for the company. But otherwise I am sticking with you mommas because you are awesome! Im scared of going to the box!! 🙂

  8. 9:36 (reverse sit ups over stability ball for BEs)

  9. 11:05. Some of you have awesome times- way to go! My glutes and hamstrings are sore, so that slowed me down on the squats. It's okay though, I finished and felt awesome at the end. Thanks for the great week of crossfit!

  10. 13:46 I made a goal to not drink ANY pop this year so I'm excited about the additional reason for not drinking it. 🙂

  11. me: as rx'd did plia squats for two of the sets, by the third set my legs were shaking so bad, that I had to touch the walls to keep myself upright. Time: 11:20
    Kayti: did it.

  12. yeah didnt time what was I thinking! but about 12 min helped kiddos inbetween! Thanks again!

  13. Hello Crossfit Mammas!
    I just to do crossfit before I went back to work. Now I find it hard to leave my kids anymore than I have to. So I am going to start this challenge today because I can do it at home.

    So this will be day 1….every excited!

  14. 8:12 as rx'ed. My back is sore from the last three days of back extensions and sumo lifts. And now I have to go shovel a foot of snow:)

  15. Took me about 17 minutes but that's with two boys interrupting me and having to break up little quarrels in between… I added one more round just because I had to break in between. Definitely feel it on the legs and my back from the extensions. Did ten minutes of abs after that…

    Have a good weekend!

  16. How do you do the back extensions without a machine?

  17. 1301 legs/buns feeling a good burn-wanted to go quick but when I did my form was not as good. Good, quick, friday workout.

  18. 15:23 as rx'd.

    I thought I was strong from lifting weights for the past 2 months, but doing 100ft of walking lunges kicked my @$$. LOVED IT!!

    A week on no caffeine and my hubby says I'm crabby. I have noticed I'm not as patient as I was before, will this pass? LOL

  19. Oh, doggit–I was supposed to have timed myself? Well I did them all but it would have been a poor showing on time anyway. I developed a raging throbbing headache like I've never experienced before while in the first round. Kinda scared me, actually. Maybe 'cause I drank 2gl of wine last night? (I just know alcohol is going to be one of our challenges some week! lol) Even through the pain I loved this work out. Nice way to end the week. See you all Monday!

  20. 6:44

    Challenge week 1 WODs complete! Good job Mamas! I feel it all over my body and I am definitely healthier than I was last week!! Bring it week 2!! 🙂

  21. 6:47. My time seems fast and I KNOW I am not one of the fast mamas–wondering if I didn't do enough lunges? Either way…it was a good workout. Ran 4 miles as well. Happy Friday!

  22. 11:42. I wasn't so happy with my time, but my legs are soooooo sore! And I really concentrated on my form with the squats.

    Great, short workout though!

  23. 10:25
    Didn't realize how fatigues my legs were until I started today's WOD. A successful 1st week! Met my goals so I'm pretty psyched 🙂 Woohooooo!

  24. 12:16
    Who knew such a short workout could be such a killer – I can barely walk!!

  25. Vicky. You can do supermans for back extensions.

  26. 8:42

    That was so much harder than I expected – the transition from lunges to squats was painful! But it felt good to push through, mind over muscles 🙂

  27. 10:30! I added 25 Crossfit sit-ups to each round between the squats and back extensions to get some ab workout too. Felt great!!!

  28. I'm still in pain from Monday's WOD (!) so only managed once with 25 superman (alternating leg+arm) instead of back extensions. Time: 6:58 (Scary that some rx'd faster than that!)

  29. 9:56. My arms were glad for the break. They are still sore from Monday!

  30. Approx 17:00 Had to solve a 3 year old's popsicle craving and a couple other "I need this now!" moments. 🙂

  31. 08:42, ugh first time posting my time in a while! Getting back into it now that I'm back at work!
    Good job all of you doing the 90 day challenge!

  32. 9:40. Trying to manouver the walking lunges through the house was….interesting. Good for agility, bad for time!

  33. 8:47. I can do no soda! I'm actually excited for it. I'm not an everyday drinker like I was with caffeine but I know eliminating it completely will be great for me!thanks Jenni!

  34. 11:00
    Did 30 Walking Lunges instead of 100' because I have long legs so it was 115'
    Good rehab after one year of broken leg!

  35. 11:20 modified and going slowly. My tailbone is still sore after slipping down stairs with kids in arms. Ugh. This stinks.

  36. 9:31 as RX'd after 30 minute run and yesterday's WOD. Great workout!

  37. 8:30. 1st time trying your site-it's great & I'll definitely be back when it's just a little too icy to run!

  38. 21:08, my first Crossfit workout ever! Feeling it this morning!

  39. 9:20… Peoria agronomy meetings were this week so I had to do Thursday and Friday today… As rx'd

  40. Did a 3.11 mile run then the WOD. My legs are jello. 12min. I added 15lbs to the squats in teh first round and did plier squats on the last round as the regular ones were killing me!

  41. 10 min. Then 2o min on the bike. I see however I am slacking and need to kick it up a notch. I am loving this site and the challenge.

  42. i forgot to post my time yesterday evening. my time was 11:12. i thought i did really good and then i see people on here posting times like 6:30! wow! I have a long way to go, but I feeling better everyday. Looking forward to next week!

  43. 11:18 – The last 5 squats on the last round were done on the shakiest legs EVER!!!!

    Great week of workouts, Jenni! 🙂

  44. 4.25 mile bike ride + 11:57 WOD!!!
    Not sure my legs are gonna carry me now!

  45. 18:36
    I was able to do 4 workouts this week. That's 4 more than I've done in years. I'm sore but I feel amazing. THANKS!

  46. 8:51. My next goal would be able to do all reps in set without stopping.

  47. Had to work a 12 hour shift Friday. Made up for it today:


    How did people do this in 7 something minutes!? Wow!

  48. 12:00. Just found your blog yesterday, I have done a couple of Crossfit workouts with friends before. Excited to start this! Great workout for my legs!

  49. Still playing catch up from having the flu last week.

    Did this workout today, 1-14-2013.


    I also did 40-minutes of Zumba beforehand.

  50. 7:37. Subbed 26 single arm bent rows (13 each side) w/ 16# each round for back extensions.

  51. 10:57

    2 rounds rx'ed
    1 round sub SU and calf raises for lunges and squats

  52. 10:34 Getting caught up after being super sick last week!

  53. Did know we were suppose to time: no space to do walking lunges: did weighted step lunges with 10# x 2 rds 7.5 x 1 rds, then a 4th rd no weight, and x4 25 squats(legs were dieing at the end) and completed x4 back extensions, then did 25 min on sitting bike. At then end legs were like jelly, this has been a first hard week for me, but I am rejuvenated with motivation to get fit!!!! Thanks Crossfit Mama. See you Monday!!

  54. 11:33 – girl pushups, half situps & beginner back extensions

    Josh- 14:21 as RXD with a 20# baby on him 3/4 of the time

    1. Got my workouts mixed up since I forgot to post this last night. No situps or pushups for me on this one. Lol

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