
Wednesday 05.13.20


3 rounds for time of:

800-meter run
3 rounds of Sugar Candy

1 round of Sugar Candy is 5 strict pull-ups, 10 push-ups, and 15 squats.

Compare to 07.25.19

Post time to comments.



  1. 26 minutes
    Assisted pull ups

  2. Gabrielle Johnson says:

    30:08, assisted pull ups, knee push ups. Dogs make it a little harder to run, too, lol…

  3. 27:31 knee push ups Assisted pull-ups

  4. Heather Mask says:

    Mod pull ups and push ups
    Distance on eliptical

  5. 39:20 (assisted pull-ups)
    Had to split the last run into two 400m runs doing Hard Candy in between.
    Really hoping to get my running lungs back! ? whew!

  6. Stephanie Gianchetta says:

    24:41 band-assisted pull-ups + knee push-ups

  7. Diana juarez says:


    Strict pull ups
    Boss push ups

    I improved my time and my form on my pull ups as well, than you to hiitmamas and all the girls that participate, you inspire me to push harder !

  8. 25:49
    band assisted pull-ups
    knee push ups

  9. Done! Forgot to record time
    Assisted pull up

  10. Tracie Ide says:

    26:37 band assist pull ups
    I am behind on the challenge as my husband had an accident, but I am planning to finish every workout!

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