Tuesday 03.28.17

20 Pull-ups
20 Weighted butterfly sit-ups, 10 lb ball
Run 1 mile

Post mile time separately.


  1. 2:37 using black and and 15# ball
    8:15 mile on treadmill

    On Sunday afternoon our 3rd grader and Kindergartener went for timed mile on local track (which was not forced) and they ran the distance so I felt motivated by our girls to keep going this morning.

  2. 2:03
    Subbed gpus for pull-ups.
    14:47 run time with rests. 1/2 mile then rest – 1/4 mile then rest.
    10:59 actual running time.

  3. Did this as a 2nd WOD (my first had 55 pull ups, so I subbed boy pu on bars.)

    Push-ups & 20# inclined sit ups- 1:40
    Mile on elliptical- 9:17

  4. 1:50
    Tiny hop pull-ups

    6:14 mile

  5. Pull ups on assist machine at 17#
    BSU 12 #


    Mile 10:27 working on getting that cardio back up.

  6. Ronna James says:

    Speedwork at track:
    1200m- warm-up
    2x 100m sprints
    7x 400m sprints

    At track subbed bpu for pull-ups and no weight on bfsu
    8:18 – not full speed, cool down from speedwork.

  7. Pull ups (blue band) & 6# butterfly sit-ups 3:45

    1 mile run outside 9:31

  8. 3:16
    Blue band pull ups. Able to string a few together at first then remainder were one at a time.
    10# BFSU

    8:53 outside run

  9. 2:30
    Barely jumping pull ups


  10. Stephanie James says:

    Sub PU for Pull ups

    1/2 ran 1/2 power walked

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