
Wednesday 06.18.14

For time 15, 12, and 9 rep rounds of:
Dumbbell Thrusters, 20 lbs total

Post time to comments.

Compare to 06.18.13

no caffeine 
no soda
fruit or veggie snacks
no food after 8:00pm
no alcohol
reduce sugar intake
3 glasses of water a day
no fried food
8 hours of sleep
no preservatives


  1. 3:21, 45#, all bpu
    33 sec faster, 20# heavier, did 1/2 bpu last year
    Good quick wod…I'm trembling!

  2. 3:57
    Off to do a round or two of yesterday's–looked fun and I was sorry to miss it!

  3. 2:56
    10# – really want go go heavier but need to heal completely first!
    All bpu

  4. 2:56
    then continued to do 6 and 3 reps for total time of 3:57
    did Tues WOD first
    21 weeks

  5. Did 6/16/14 workout first
    2:05 all boy
    12 seconds faster than last year and I was fresh that time!! Woot!!

  6. 3:36 16# first time in a while. Happy to get back to it!

  7. 2:41
    30# thrusters, compared to 2:16 last time, but deeper thrusters this time.

  8. Ran a 5K first in 21:44 and then

    as Rx'd all BPU. Was already tired so it was slower then I could have had I been fresh.

    Then 100 JR.

  9. Completed on. 6/19. 3:02. 40# thrusters on first round. Then 24# half knees half toe push ups. Then finished 6/17 wod the group power.

  10. 2:44 bpu vs. 3:25 vs. mpu bpu were not very deep, but I'm making progress!

  11. Pat 3:40 #30 dumbbells (beat last time by 24 sec. increased #5)

    Maria 4:15 #25 dumbbells (beat last time by 43 sec. increased by #5)

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