
Monday 03.10.14


5 rounds for time of:
1,000 meter run (1K)
30 hip raises
30 Butterfly sit-ups

Post time to comments.

Happy Birthday 
to my beautiful butterfly
She is my oldest and turns 10 today.
 I love you Buggy.

no caffeine
no soda  
only fruit or veggie snacks
  no food after 8:00pm
no alcohol
reduce sugar intake 
3 glasses of water a day
no fried food
8 hours of sleep
no preservatives


  1. Woke up too late for this one-
    Instead completed 4 rounds of:
    400 meter run
    9 push ups
    7 snatch
    5 KTE

    Followed by a round of 30 hip raises and 30 bsu
    Happy Golden Birthday Ryli!

  2. 48:55
    Happy birthday! Hope you have a FABULOUS day, Ryli!

  3. 31:20
    Plank mountain climbers subbed for sit-ups to accommodate diastasis
    (9 weeks post partum)
    Happy birthday ladybug! TT loves you more than ice cream!

  4. Rode a bike for an hour so skipping the running …

    6:23 for the 5 rounds of the other!

    Happy Birthday to your Ryli!
    My youngest is 10 and our first grandchild is due any day now!

  5. Am. Dying.


    At the gym. Body pump instructor didn't show up…..I think this was better 🙂

  6. Ran outside on high school track.


    Great workout to start off the week. Thanks Ryli have a fantastic 10th birthday.

  7. No running on weekdays until after the kids get home.

    Did last weeks 21-15-9 deadlift/hspu. 95#

    But, yesterday I completed the main website's wod of 5Rounds for time:
    800 m
    25 burpees.

    Totally brutal, 40:09.

    1. Oh it was! I kept trying to talk myself out of doing all the rounds. Can't beat the feeling of completing something that is so difficult.

  8. Happy Birthday!
    17:17 Only one round of 1000m. (All my knee could take)
    5 rounds of the HP and BFSU

  9. My 3 yr old was inconsolably sobbing last night from midnight to 2 am, plus cursed daylight savings time… I am EXHAUSTED!!! But, no excuses!

    43:35 as rx'd, treadmill

    Tried really hard to squeeze the hip raises and not fling my arms on the BFSU.

    1. Great job! I was up at 3 and 6 with my new baby then up and at em at 7:30 with all 3 kids! No excuses! Love that! Hope you get some good rest tonight!

  10. 47:02 as rx'd, treadmill
    The run portion was 32:11
    Getting tighter on bfsu! Arms were crossed or up by my head about half the time!!

  11. 26:00 for 4 rounds. Baby woke up from nap and ran out of time. Good workout!

  12. 37:29 for 3.07 mile run/walk
    10:26 for 5 rounds plus I think I did an extra 10 hip raises lol

    1. Dang! You killed it! That is an amazing time! Good idea to add a dumbbell to the hip raises!

  13. I could only get in 3 rounds before my son woke up.

    Spin bike instead of running. 3 rounds in just over 12 minutes.

  14. 38:26
    Runs on treadmill at 7.3
    That was tougher than I thought! Happy birthday to your little girl 🙂 love the nickname buggy! That was my nickname growing up

  15. Katie and Lori 58:48
    Did this with two three year olds in the jogging stroller. We were so proud they lasted the whole time. When we did bfsu the boys ran circles around us. 🙂

  16. I did it! I really wanted to stop @3 rounds but i finished! Boy this felt like a hero wod lol. Happy bday!

    46:35 as rxd.

  17. 30:30

    Wow! i'm dying! especially after having a stomach bug all weekend. Had to push myself

  18. 800m first round
    400m the other 4 rounds.
    39 minutes. with yoga after.

  19. 20:43 for three full rounds. Will compete last two rounds. Then taught body step.

  20. 35:30ish, erased my time before I got around to posting.

  21. 44:25
    I'm finally catching up after having an awful stomach issue all week. Now to catch up on the rest of the week!

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