
Tuesday 07.21.15


1000 meter run
50 Thrusters, 20 lbs total
30 pull-ups (assist as necessary)

Post time to comments.

Happy Birthday to my SIL Jackie!


  1. 12:50
    45 lbs on thrusters
    First 5 pull-ups were unassisted (singles) rest were assisted with skinny black band.

  2. 10:46
    Took the easier way and split thrusters and pull-ups into 2 sets
    30# thrusters
    Assisted pull-ups
    Way to go those of you doing unassisted pull-ups!!!

  3. 11:32
    Thrusters with umbrella stroller over head
    Subbed push ups for pull ups
    On vacation. Doing what I can!

  4. Taught 1 hr cardio hip hop then

    9:47 as rx'd
    Treadmill at 7.7
    Reverse pull ups

    Legs are sore from yesterday! Upped my KB weight by 10#. Whew!

  5. What color band should I buy to learn kipping pull ups?

  6. 11:56
    Outside run which was .67, 30# thrusters, reverse pull ups

  7. 40 min. swim
    6 mile run

    Subbed 500 jump rope for run
    30# thrusters
    jumping pull ups

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